Help for Ingame

Welcome to the help instructions for Hex Lords.
These instructions are split up into chapters so they can be easily navigated.
  • New Game
    You can start a new game by pressing new game in the title screen.
  • Load/Save Game
    Loading and Saving will always only access the same save file. You can only save at one slot and only load this exact slot if existing.
  • Interaction
    You can interact with the enviroment by [left click] on an object.
  • Camera Movement
    You rotate you camera by holding the [right click] and using the WASD layout.
    Also you can zoom by scrolling on you mouse wheel.
  • First steps
    Start off by selecting a tile you want to start at that is passable (can be walked) (you can see this by hovering over the title in the top of the screen). There you can place your first building. Select the city hall. It will be free and dependent on where you place it you will start with different starting resources.
  • Time System
    This is a RTS (Real Time Strategy) game. This means the time goes on without you having to finish a turn or wait for anything. The timer starts as soon as you build you city hall.
  • Building
    You can build a building by selecting a region, click on the title box in the top and select one of the available building options in the right.
    Buildings placed will be instantly built. Be aware that some buildings cannot be placed at certain locations or without certain buildings and terrains surrounding them.
  • Bandits
    The threat you encounter is the ever rising amount of bandits attacking your settlement. These bandits come every month between the 15th and the 30th day. So don't forget  to place defensive measures.

Files 26 MB
Aug 28, 2022

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